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Australian National Soil Strategy

Australian National Soil Strategy

National Soil Strategy

Public consultation on the draft National Soil Strategy is closed.

The National Soil Strategy(External link) was released in May 2021 at the Federal Budget.

How you had your say

We sought feedback on the draft National Soil Strategy.

The consultation process included:

  • 7 state and territory consultation workshops;
  • An internal department consultation;
  • A cross-agency Australian Government consultation and;
  • A series of additional follow-up one-on-one consultations with key stakeholders.

Across these consultations, over 200 stakeholders from outside the Australian Government engaged. Relevant line areas within the Department and other Commonwealth agencies that undertake work linked to the priorities identified for consideration in the Strategy were also engaged.

We also held two open public surveys which received over 350 responses from a range of stakeholders. Further details about the consultation process are outlined in the National Soil Strategy Consultation Report(External link).

What happens next

The National Soil Strategy(External link) was released in May 2021 at the Federal Budget.

The 2021–22 Budget will deliver $196.9 million in new funding over four years to implement the National Soil Strategy(External link) and associated measures.

For more information about the National Soil Strategy, please visit our webpage(External link) or contact: National.Soils@environment.gov.au

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